Pembelajaran dengan Scientific Debate Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Mahasiswa

Yani Ramdani


This study examines the effect of scientific debate instructional on the enhancement of mathematical creative thinking ability of students.This study is quasi-experimental with a static group comparison design involves 94 students from Department of Mathematics Education. Research instruments include student’ prior knowledge of mathematics (KAM) and creative thinking ability test. Scores of the the enhancement of mathematical creative thinking ability were analyzed with normalized gain test. The Effect of Scientific Debate instructional and conventional instructional was used the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test. The study finds that the enhancement in mathematical creative thinking ability with scientific debate instructional was better than conventional. The enhancement of student’ mathematical creative thinking abilities with a scientific debate instructional based on the KAM, it is not completely distinctive. On the other hand, the enhancement of student’ mathematical creative thinking abilities with a conventional instruction based on the KAM was considerably different. On the scientific debate instructional, student’s educational background differences do not give major effect on the enhancement student’ mathematical creative thinking abilities but on the conventional instructional provides a better effect.


Creative; Scientific Debate; Mann-Whitney U; Kruskal-Wallis


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