Word Of Mouth Communication as Online Business Promotion

Anne Ratnasari, Yusuf Hamdan, Aan Julia


Word of mouth communication can be used to promote products or services. This article is the result of research on “word of mouth” conducted by the Online Business School (SBO) to promote online business. The purpose of this study is to analyze the types and elements of word of mouth communication. This research uses case studies method. Data collection techniques are conducted in the form of observation, interviews, and literature. The research results find the organic and amplified word of mouth used by SBO. Alumni introduced SBO workshops to various parties and SBO actively uploads workshop information in online digital media. Elements of word of the mouth include talkers, selected alumni who have successfully run an online business. Topics include content in online digital media regarding material, learning systems, and mentoring, while tools are media used to promote workshop material on the website, Facebook, and Instagram. Instagram is the main media used because it is suitable for housewife.


word of mouth, promotion, online business

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v35i1.4410


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