The Development of Information Technology Applications of Religious Charity Through Humanities Technology Approach

Agus Syihabudin, Asep Wawan Jatnika, Alamta Singarimbun, Shohib Khoiri


There are currently various non-governmental organizations, related to both religious missions and social missions, that motivate the growth of the spirit of generosity. At the same time, these organizations facilitate the collection of donations from donors and subsequently distribute these alms to people who are deemed entitled to them. The charitable institutions have developed significantly, both in terms of fundraising and distribution, partly due to the effective use of online approaches. In its development, the role of online technology has proven to have two opposite effects. In addition to the ease of access to information and effectiveness in facilitating generosity, online approaches are proven to have eliminated the emotional connections between the subjects and the objects of the charitable deeds, in this case between the donors and the recipients. Philanthropic attitudes related to religion, for example, are intended to foster humanistic relationships between the givers and the receptors. This study examines the management of online fundraising, the weaknesses and factors that hamper its implementation, and the quests for the solutions to this problem. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using direct observations over online media as the method for data collection techniques and technoculture for the analysis, supported by literature studies. The main result of this research is the holistic concept of perfecting the fundraising system and online services hence more humane.


charity, technoculture, humanist

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