Effectiveness of Electronic Government in the Citizen-Centric Approach in Bandung City

Elisa Susanti, Ridho Harta, Syarif Fadillah


This paper aims to exploit e-government effectiveness from the perspective of users by focusing on online-based business licensing services in Bandung City. This paper also aims to develop the E-government Citizen Satisfaction Framework proposed by Sigwejo and Pather (2016). The method used is a qualitative method in e-government research. The results show that there is a gap between the services provided and community expectations. Online-based business licensing services in Bandung City have not been fully effective and also have not fully given the benefits since licensing is still one of the obstacles in conducting business in Bandung City. The main findings in this paper are the three themes as a development of the e-government effectiveness model, namely users’ e-readiness, multi-channel delivery of e-government services, and the net impact. The implication of the main findings is that the integration of online services and offline services is required in accordance with the mapping of users’ e-readiness.



Citizen centric, E-government effectiveness, Multi-channel e-government

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v35i2.5022


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