Exploration of Work Attributes in the Synergy of Institutions to Improve the Quid Pro Quo of Tourism

Bambang Supriadi


Importance Performance analysis (IPA) provides a useful facility to test the institutional synergy concept among tourism stakeholders. This research has a purpose to explore the perception of tourism stakeholders concerning the attributes in the value of importance and performance in tourism institutions to increase quid pro quo for the community. This study was conducted in sub-districts that have potential migrant or Indonesian Migrant Worker populations in Malang District. Samples of this research are tourism stakeholders who manage tourist attraction in productive migrant villages. They are tourism activist groups as tourism actors in the community, village government work units, and Perusahaan Daerah Jasa Yasa (Jasa Yasa Regional Company) as the manager of the tourism. The analytical tool used to measure the level of performance and importance in the synergy attributes is the Importance Performance analysis (IPA). The results of this study show the attributes of synergy between tourism stakeholder institutions have the following distribution: Environmental Changes attribute falls in Quadrant I; attributes of Continuous Coordination, Simultaneous Responsibility, Effective Communication, & Simultaneous Supervision fall in Quadrant II; Simultaneous Policy and Direct Relationship attributes fall in Quadrant III; and Obvious Purpose attributes falls in Quadrant IV.


Performance, Synergy, Tourism.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v36i1.5062


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