Strengthening Adolescent’s Entrepreneurial Behavior through Social Support

Zusy Aryanti, Tb.Zulrizka Iskandar, Hendriati Agustiani, Surya Cahyadi


The growing number of adolescents engaging in entrepreneurship indicates they are fond of what they do. Support from their families and friends serves as an important factor in such entrepreneurial behavior. This study aims to investigate the contribution of parental and peer social support in shaping intrinsic motivation in entrepreneurial adolescents. The respondents of this study included 64 adolescents of 18-21 years old who were entrepreneurial in the city of Bandung. The data were collected through a social support and intrinsic motivations scale which then analyzed using the multiple regression analysis techniques. The results indicate a positive relationship between parental and peer social support with the intrinsic motivations of entrepreneurial adolescents. The two variables together affect intrinsic motivation by 25.5%. Thus the social support received by entrepreneurial youth spurs intrinsic motivation that will give birth to entrepreneurial behavior. This research concludes that adolescents with social support possess such positive feelings as happiness, confidence, and personal autonomy that encourage the emergence of entrepreneurial behavior.


social support, intrinsic motivation, adolescent entrepreneur

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