Ideas and Political Language of PKS Muda Cadres on Social Media

Fajar Nugraha, Atie Rachmiatie, Irfan Safrudin


PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera/Prosperous Justice Party) Muda as a political party wing based on millennial generation expresses its political ideas and language on distinctive social media, which is interesting to research. Social media has become a space for every individual to create and spread ideas that form his/her political attitudes. This study aims to determine the ideas and political language of PKS Muda cadres regarding the 2019 general election on social media Twitter and Facebook. This study uses a qualitative method, a virtual ethnographic approach and a constructivist paradigm with the research subjects of PKS Muda cadres. The results show that in cognitive orientation, political ideas of PKS Muda cadres conveyed on social media meant to flatter and defend supported parties/candidates, to encourage their viewers to vote, and to criticize political opponents and election organizers. In affective orientation, PKS Muda displays the form of emotions by giving likes to the content they receive or using emoticon symbols to show dissatisfaction with the incumbent's performance. In evaluative orientation, PKS Muda cadres voice their beliefs and feelings by creating and sharing content on social media. Regarding political language, many PKS Muda cadres use net lingo language and often write and share texts on social media in the form of descriptions, narratives, and persuasion, rarely using argumentation and exposition


Politik, Etnografi Virtual, PKS Muda, Media sosial

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