Socio-Cultural Heritage For Tourism At Cirebon Palaces Indonesia

Ina Helena Agustina


In Cirebon there are three palaces, namely Keraton Kasepuhan, Keraton Kanoman and Keraton Kacirebon. Until now, the three palaces still show their existence through tourist attractions, especially pilgrimage tours. Pilgrimages to the tomb of Sunan Gunung Jati, as one of the walisongo (propagators of Islam in Java) and also the ancestors of the three palaces, still attract visitors to visit the palace.  The research method used the Husserl Phenomenology method. Phenomenology is a way of thinking or "the style of thinking" with objects that are symptomatic in the form of facts or symptoms, circumstances, events, objects or reality. Construction through physical space, socio-cultural and economic attractiveness. The result is a tourist attraction with a unique local value in the form of "blessings". The value of the uniqueness of a tourist attraction is definitely different for other royal tourist objects, but these local values must be determined as an intangible heritage element of tourist attraction. These results can serve as recommendations for the conservation of the palaces in Cirebon


Tourism; Heritage; Keraton; Cirebon

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