Hubungan Antara Efektivitas Tim Dengan Stress Pada Karyawan Unit Frontline Bank “X” Cabang Jpk Bandung

Ali Mubarak, Miki Amrilya


PT Bank X Persero (Tbk) a company's profit in banking services that focus on services that are consideredimportant in the Success of the company. The unit is responsible for achieving success in providing these services the frontline units. Competence of each employee’s frontline units of course is needed in the process Of achievement. Frontline employees to work as a team unit In the completion of tasks and responsibilities for the achievement of corporate goals is to serve customers with the best – good. The success of frontline units as a team In achieving the goals can not only rely on the capabilities of human resources. but the psychological condition should be good. At Bank X Branch Road Independence Pioneer frontline units indicates a condition that not an effective team. Frontline units consisting of the teller and customer service would require the existence of effective teamwork to achieve common goals Teams that are not effective condition occurs along with the same Symptoms –certain symptoms that describe the condition of stress on employees frontline units PT Bank "X' JPK Branch Bandung. Sources of stress can come from Internal self external and more particularly may come from individuals, groups and organizations where employees work. Stress is the individuals reaction to pressure from within or outside themselves causing a physical reaction. psychological and behavioral changes (Alyssa Abbey & Jane Cranwell in Organizational stress) Conditions of stress on employees Will have an effect on the performance of employees in his company. Based on the results of data processing and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a negative relationship between the effectiveness of Stress on employee teams With frontline units PT Bank X JPK Branch Bandung With a correlation value of -0 746 The lower the effectiveness of the team. the higher the stress on employees frontline units JPK Branch Bandung. From the data obtained a total of seven people working with the effectiveness of low-and high-stress teams. 3 teams of people working high effectiveness and low stress. 2 person teams working With high effectiveness and high stress. although in general the two employees can work with the team's effectiveness high, but they do not have the atmosphere of  informality with his colleagues In addition it also has the experience of conflict is not resolved due to the lack of civilized disagreement with his colleagues. 2 people working With low team effectiveness and low stress. This is because having a relatively long tenure compared with other colleagues. but also the influence of gender. who explains that male employees men will respond to sources stress are more rational and acceptable face Better. Highest correlation in this study on the correlation between the effectiveness of the team aspect of informality With stress. That is equal to -0644 While the lowest correlation exist on the correlation between the effectiveness of the team aspect of clear purpose with stress


Banks X, Frontline Unit, Team Effectiveness, Work Stress


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