Pengaruh Terapi Ruqyah Syar’iyyah Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan
Therapy for Ruqyah as therapy non-medical, selected for scientific study is still limited, and the purpose of this study to get a model of treatment in accordance with the values and culture of Indonesia. This study only discusses the case of anxiety disorder. The subject of the study 10 people. The method used Quasi-Experiment with the design of One Group Before-After Design. Anxiety measuring instrument based on the theory of Nevid, Rathus, and Greene (2005). The data obtained by the change in the level of anxiety as much as 14.82%. Physical symptoms and decreased by 15.35%, Cognition symptoms as much as 10.55%. Behavior symptoms as much as 9.21%. That is, syar'iyyah ruqyah therapy tends to reduce the level of anxiety, especially physical symptoms. Psychological evaluation is done by using a reference REBT, obtained a decrease in the level of anxiety due to the influence of belief - belief in Islam. Similarly obtained Ruqyah therapy is less effective that the symptoms evocative of cognition because they can not apply the D - Disputing against the fixed mindset when referring to the steps REBT from Albert Ellis (2007).
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( diunduh tanggal 2 Agustus 2012
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