Implementasi Word Of Mouth Communication Objek Wisata Ciletuh
Research on the Implementation of Word of Mouth Communication in Attractions Ciletuh aims to find out the process, elements, obstacles WOM and Facebook are used as a medium of WOM. The method used is a qualitative research method with a case study approach, and the constructivist paradigm with key informants PAPSI parties (Society of Natural Pakidulan Sukabumi) and 4 Ciletuh Geopark Visitor informant.
The results of this study are composed of organic WOM process of word of mouth communication spread by PAPSI and visitors are recommended to friends, family, relatives, fellow lovers of nature and the other traveler. While amplified word of mouth communication were highlighted by PAPSI devise a strategy to become a tour guide.
WOM elements consist of a talker, a member PAPSI provide knowledge about the Geopark Ciletuh to visitors, such knowledge will be a topic that eventually recalled back to his visitor, either directly or via social media. Their banners and souvenirs typical Ciletuh Geopark became tools. The service consumer service online or suggestion box, to overcome or control word of mouth, negative, including in taking part, tracking is where the PAPSI reply, respond to complaints traveler become barriers WOM, other than security facilities inadequate, damaged roads and people who are not aware travel, Facebook is used as a medium of Word of Mouth Communication.
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Sumber Lain itu Bernama Geopark Ciletuh. 3 Maret 2015 08/XXV/16 - 29 April 2009, SWA 09/XXV, 30 April - 13Mei 2009, SWA 10/XXV, 14 - 27 Mei 2009.3 September 2015
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