Aktivitas Employee Relations Di Pt Radio Bhakti Sangkuriang Kuningan
PT. Sangkuriang Bhakti Radio is one of the companies engaged in leading broadcasting in Kuningan which carry out activities of Employee Relations to foster internal public relations. Activities Employee Relations at PT. Radio Sangkuriang carried out through various programs and gathering program is the flagship program of the company. Based on the background of the issue conducted a study entitled "Activities Employee Relations at PT Bhakti Radio Sangkuriang".
The purpose of this study was to determine the shape, purpose, forms of cooperation of employees, factors inhibiting the activity of Employee Relations at PT. Bhakti Radio Sangkuriang, and to investigate the implementation of the program as Employee Relations Gathering Featured on Radio PT Bhakti Sangkuring. This study used a qualitative method with case study analysis scheme. Technique data collection is done through interviews, observation and documentation.
The results showed, Employee Relations activities are applied in PT. Sangkuriang Bhakti Radio is a training program, a rewards program, program meetings, and special events programs. Based on the research that has been done, it is known that the activity of Employee Relations applied in PT. Bhakti Radio Sangkuriang considered effective in achieving the goals of employee relations. It can be seen from the various programs that have been developed by the company, a very positive assessment of the employees regarding the Employee Relations activities are executed, and the high enthusiasm and participation of employees in following the activities of Employee Relations. Obstacles encountered in the implementation of Employee Relations are differences in the way of work, personal character, habits, lifestyles, appreciation and perspectives of members of the company, the different ways of working, personal character, habits, lifestyles, appreciation and perspectives of member companies can be overcome by strengthening communication. As the program featured Employee Relations PT. Bhakti Radio Sangkuriang gathering program effective in building and strengthening teamwork, good cooperation in each division as well as all units in company.
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)References
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/scientica.v3i2.2458
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