Kontribusi Elite Politik Dalam Mendorong Eksistensi Pers Sunda
The emergence of local political elites who take part in politics, both executive and legislative, adding color to the development of the mass media. The mass media have a role that can not be ignored by the political elite, namely as a partner in building the “image” of politics.
Press Sunda historically an integral part of the development of mass media in Indonesia. In the era before independence dedication shown by fought against colonial peoples through the writings of the press crew. Similarly, in the era of our country's independence, the press Sunda contribute as information media as well as media that maintain and preserve the cultural heritage, especially language.
However, the emergence of the political elites in the local political level has not tasted the optimal role of the existence of the press Sunda. The contribution is less felt to be one for the press after the reform initiated Sunda. Unlike the press-language press Indonesia increasingly exists, press Sunda publication number continues to decrease. In fact, some are already bankrupt.
The focus of the research problem, how the contribution of the political elite in pushing the press Sunda existence. To explore the potential of the data the research method used was the qualitative descriptive case study. Because assessed not just mere communication aspects but also of cultural theory is used to analyze the problems faced by the press Sunda are theories critical tradition.
The research findings that support the political elite to the existence of press Sundanese existed. The support was in the form of their relationship with one another between the political elite and the press Sunda appropriate proportions and their respective roles. In addition, because it has the authority and power, both as an executive and legislative branches, political elite capable of issuing a policy that encourages the existence of Sundanese press to keep rising as the guardian and preserver of culture and local wisdom.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/scientica.v3i2.2460
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