Analisis Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Di Puskesmas Kota Bandung Setelah Implementasi Kebijakan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional
National health insurance policy wich enacted on January 1st 2014 give increase impact in society needs of health care, but it didn’t accompany by readiness of primary health care infrastucture and human resources to balance the increase of healnth needs. This condition will impavt on the quality of health services, received by consument. By then researcher got interested in knowing and analyzing the quality of health service at 24 hour health care in bandung after implementation of health insurance.
The aim of this researches is to know the quality of services of out patient at the public health care in bandung with servqual methode. Discrepency analysis of five services dimentions such as tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and empathy. Teh type of this experimental study is descriptive analysis quantitative methode. The method that we use in this study is survey method is cross sectional method. We use slovin formula to find a number of responder with stratified proporsional random sampling for each public health care. Than we continue to performed patient expectation analysis, public health care performance, expected services discrepancy and the services that was received by the patient to service quality and positioning of quality of public health care service with importance performance analysis in cartesius diagram.
The outcome is obtained that the service satisfaction from customer perspective is good with the highest value of satisfaction variable is responsiveness, with the value of 82.8%. assurance dimention with the value 73,7%, reliability with thw value of 79,1% and empathy with the value of 73,7% meanwhile for dimentions which stand at the category of enough is the tangible dimention with thw value of 67,8% analysis outcome for the discrepancy happens on tangible variable with the score of two on moderate descrapency. Empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance dimentions with the scroe of one on low descrepancy. In general the quality of health service at 24 hour primary health care stands on the category of good.
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