Journal History

First published in 1984. This journal is intended as a scientific study of media research, thought and study - critical analysis of the contemporary development issues. The first publication of 4 (four) times a year. MIMBAR: Jurnal sosial dan Pembangunan, as a scientific communication magazine in your hand, has changed shape, appearance, and may be seen also writing style. Among the changes it was first published four times a chancel, is now two times a year, besides that, this time it is not the thematic pulpit again. All the changes that are presented before you, actually not because of a desire to bring something new. As a medium of scientific communication, Pulpit, expected to have a quality that meets the minimum requirements, also can display his trademark. Following the issuance of the accreditation rules and guide the scientific journal of Higher Education, 2006, UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba. Mimbar: Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan  as manager, began to make some changes not only in the management organization structure alone, but also on the physical form of the magazine. We are confident that the Journal of Social and Development chancel still has many shortcomings that need to be repaired , and still can be developed into a medium of scientific communication with the uniqueness of scientific excellence in the future. Start Volume XXVI, No. 2 ( December 2010), Journal of Social and Development, re-acquiring the title "Accredited Journals " by Decree No. DIKTI. 64a/DIKTI/Kep/2010. To that end, most of the heart , we express the high appreciation and gratitude profusely for the good cooperation we have built up over the years. Hopefully pulpit can be a lamp fixed to the brilliance of the science world in which we live. In this edition, the pulpit performed with several changes, among others, if the issue of the previous issue of the pulpit is always changing its color cover, now appear with a uniform style and color and design new ones. Size paper, used A4 now. The number of pages of the original 200 pages per volume, is now a 500 per volume.  This is all we do, because once accredited, many articles are in, both from the author Unisba mapun from outside. MIMBAR: Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan this edition features 25 articles, which is basically a result of the research. While some are the result of a thought. Given this new rule set on June 15, 2011 the Editor of the Journal of MIMBAR, Social Development Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) is accredited by SK Nomor64a/DIKTI/Kep/2010 follow Regulation Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 49/DIKTI/Kep/2011. And Now, Alhamdulilah, MIMBAR have been Accreditation Number: 10/E/KPT/2019 until 2024, Ranking Sinta 2.