Social Injustice from The Presence of the Bauxite Mining Companies

Fatmawati Fatmawati, Salfius Seko


This study aims to examine the forms of social injustice by the presence of mining companies and local residents in the Tayan Hilir, Sanggau. This study used a qualitative approach accomplished through a descriptive method, and which was then analyzed using qualitative analysis to describe the form of social injustice for society by the presence of mining companies. Results of the study explained that point on begins the social injustice originated from government policies that tend to favor the mining entrepreneurs. With the capital and support of the state, these persons are in superior position to act half “forceful” against the society’s land concessions. On the other hand, society who does not possess the knowledge and power become the injured party. It is based on the reality that occurs when land concessions in Embaloh and Semerah Hamlet (Dusun) which were not in accordance with the contractual agreement. Relocation offered by the company was far off and there are no public facilities.


Social Injustice, Mining Company, Land Concession


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