Dialogic Communication Society in Mining Conflicts in Bengkulu Tengah Regency

Prahastiwi Utari, IGN Agung Satyawan, Nurlianti Muzni


Long lasting conflict occurs in the absence of common ground which oversees the dynamics of the conflict. conflicts are representative of the interests of each group involved in taking the form of, one of which, opinion friction lead to anarchy. Such premises, specifically, occur in the conflict between Merigi Sakti people and PT. CBS pertaining mining system which, then, give its impact on other issues. The conflict requires dialogue as an instrument for transforming these interests in order to reconcile the conflicting groups to find  an agreement. Based on the background this article will elucidate how dialogue takes roles in conflict reconciliation process. The study in condition by using case study method—not only shows the friction that occurs but also the dialogic efforts which are important parts of communication in the conflict. Based on the data obtained, it can be seen that the dialogue moves from bottom to top, in the sense that Merigi Sakti people can manage their communities to unite against the mining system and deliver it structurally to the

parties concerned.


Communication, dialogue, conflict, society, companies

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v33i2.2715


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