Acceptance Factors on The Digital ZIS by Muzak and Donors with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Framework

Andi Fika Widuri


Entering the era of technology, BAZNAS and LAZ created a digital device called ZIS digital to facilitate the payment method for ZIS funds, namely only by using a cellphone or other gadget that has internet access. The digital ZIS was created to achieve the true potential of the ZIS collection and currently, the 2019 ZIS collection in Bandung City has exceeded the true ZIS potential of IDR 160 billion. The purpose of this study is to identify the dominant factors and factors that determine the preferences of muzak and donors in choosing and using digital ZIS in the city of Bandung. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with preference measurements using the framework of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), then testing the validity and reliability tests. The research method used is a survey method by distributing questionnaires in the form of Google Form. The method used to process and analyze the data is to tabulate the results of the questionnaire with a spreadsheet which is then analyzed using SPSS 22. The sampling technique uses the purposive sampling method as many as 100 muzak and donors who are digital ZIS users in Bandung. Based on the results of questionnaire data processing, it can be concluded that the factors that can determine the preferences of muzak and donors in choosing digital ZIS are perceived ease of use (perception of ease of use of technology) and perceived usefulness (perception of technology usefulness). Among these two factors, the more dominant one in determining the use of digital ZIS is the perceived usefulness factor with an average score of 458.3 where this number indicates a measure of preference or the respondent's interpretation scale, which means strongly agree. The perceived usefulness factor is supported by indicators of increasing user performance, indicators of answering needs, and indicators of simplifying work processes.

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