Profil Massa Lemak dan Lingkar Pinggang Dewasa Obes dan Nonobes di Cirebon

Stephanus Kristianto Witono, Gaga Irawan Nugraha, Hikmat Permana, Sudigdo Adi


Kelebihan berat badan dan kegemukan mulai menjadi masalah terhadap kesehatan pada beberapa dekade terakhir. Hal ini menjadi masalah serius terhadap kesehatan karena dapat menyebabkan sindrom metabolik yang berujung kepada kematian sehingga kegemukan perlu kita cegah sedini-dininya. Deteksi dini khususnya massa lemak dan lingkar pinggang yang menjadikan faktor prediktor sindrom metabolik perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah perjalanan penyakit obesitas. Penelitian deskriptif ini dilakukan terhadap 116 pasien (47 pasien obes dan 69 nonobes) di Klinik Pasar Balong Cirebon, 14–21 April 2016 dengan rentang usia 35–60 tahun. Pengukuran berat badan, massa lemak, dan massa bebas lemak menggunakan professional octapolar body impedance analyzer Beurer BF100, pengukuran tinggi badan menggunakan Stadiometer Seca 213 dan lingkar pinggang menggunakan body tape measure caliper Onemed. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui persentase massa lemak dan lingkar pinggang dewasa obes dengan nonobes di Kota Cirebon sehingga dapat dijadikan acuan dalam mengatasi obesitas. Hasil massa lemak rata-rata pria dan wanita obes 30,98±4,24% dan 39,29±3,56%, serta lingkar pinggang 108,20±7,59 cm dan 93,46±8,91 cm yang berarti rata-rata dewasa obes di Cirebon mempunyai massa lemak jauh di atas klasisfikasi buruk dari American College of Sport Medicine dan lingkar pinggang jauh di atas batasan World Health Organization dan International Diabetes Federation untuk orang Asia. Hasil massa lemak rata-rata pria nonobes dalam klasifikasi rata-rata 17,81±5,21% dan wanita nonobes di bawah rata-rata 25,87±2,48%. Lingkar pinggang pria dan wanita nonobes 79,00±6,93 cm dan 74,72±5,44 cm, masih dalam klasifikasi normal. Simpulan, orang dewasa di Kota Cirebon baik obes maupun nonobes khususnya wanita mempunyai massa lemak masuk ke dalam klasifikasi buruk. Lingkar pinggang dewasa obes baik pria maupun wanita melebihi batasan World Health Organization dan International Diabetes Federation.



Overweight and obesity are starting to become a serious health problems in the last few decades because it can cause metabolic syndrome that leads to death, so we need to prevent obesity as early as possible. We need to do early detection especially fat mass percentage and waist circumference that makes predictor factor of the occurrence of metabolic syndrome is needed to prevent or even to cut the course of obesity disease. This descriptive study was conducted on 116 patients (47 obese and 69 non-obese patients) at the Klinik Pasar Balong Cirebon, April 14–21, 2016 with age range of 35–60 years. Measurement of body weight, fat mass, fat free mass using professional octapolar body impedance analyzer Beurer BF100, while height measurement using Seca 213 Stadiometer and waist circumference using body tape measure caliper Onemed. The purpose of this research was to know fat mass and waist circumference of obese and non-obese in Cirebon, so it can be used as a reference in overcoming obesity. The mean value of fat mass men and women obese were 30.98±4.24% and 39.29±3.56%, and waist circumference 108.20±7.59 cm and 93.46±8.91 cm, which means the mean value obese adults in Cirebon have fat mass far above the bad classification of American College of Sport Medicine and waist circumference far above the boundaries of the World Health Organization and International Diabetes Federation for Asians. The mean value of non-obese fat mass percentage gain in the average classification was 17.81±5.21% and non-obese women in the classification below the average 25.87±2.48%. Non-obese male and female waist circumference 79.00±6.93 cm and 74.72±5.44 cm, still in normal classification. In conclusion, adults in Cirebon both obese and non-obese, especially women have fat mass percentage fall into bad classification. While obese adult waist circumference exceeds the limits of World Health Organization and International Diabetes Federation.


Adult; Cirebon; dewasa; fat mass; Kota Cirebon; lingkar pinggang; massa lemak; nonobes; non-obese; obes; obese; waist circumference

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pISSN 2301-9123 | eISSN 2460-5441

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