mieke wijaya putri


Working performance is the result of work gained by quality and quantity, achieved by an employee in carrying out tasks in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. There are a number of things that can affect performance, which are competence and working environment. This study aims to analyze competencies, working environment, and performance of pharmaceutical workers and to analyze the influence of competencies and work environment on the performance of pharmaceutical workers at the Majalaya General Regional Hospital (RSUD Majalaya) either partially or simultaneously. As for the sample used in this research is fourty-six pharmacists in the Pharmacy Installation of the Majalaya General Regional Hospital (RSUD Majalaya). Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, questionnaires and interviews. The result of this research showed that the competency of Pharmaceutical Workers according to the evaluation of Pharmaceutical workers is in line with the head assessment which both were found that the competency variables were in sufficient category, also the working environment is in line with The head evaluation which both are in good category, while the performance results according to the Pharmacist's assessment is also in line with the assessment results of the head of Pharmacy Installation, which are, both in the excellent category. Moreover, The T test result for the competency variables and working environment variables obtained there are influential on the performance of pharmacists at the Majalaya General Regional Hospital, while the results of the F test showed there is a significant relationship between competence and working environment on the performance of pharmacy staff at the Majalaya General Regional Hospital.

Keywords: Working Performance, Competency, Working Environment, Pharmaceutical Workers, Leader


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