The Effect of Salary, Health and Safety on Employee Job Satisfaction Moderated by the Quality of Human Resources

Syardiansah Syardiansah, Nurliza Lubis, Ainul Yusna Harahap


Abstract. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of salary, occupational health and safety on employee job satisfaction, which was moderated by the quality of human resources at PT Sisirau, Aceh Tamiang. The total population of the study was 46 employees. The analysis methods used are data quality tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis tests, partial tests, simultaneous tests, and moderated regression analyses. The results of the study through partial tests before moderation, namely salary, and occupational health and safety had a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Meanwhile, after moderation, salary significantly negatively affects employee job satisfaction. Occupational health and safety after being moderated by the quality of human resources have a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Simultaneously, before and after in moderation the quality of human resources, salary, and occupational health and safety (have no effect together on employee job satisfaction.


Salary, Occupational Health and Safety, Job Satisfaction, Quality of Human Resources

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