Communication Patterns of Cybercrime in The Financial Technology Business During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Lisa Adhrianti, Indah Septirisani, Neneng Cucu Marlina


Abstract. In the era of technological development in Indonesia, Fintech services (Financial technology) are increasingly widespread, one of which is Peer to peer lending or often known as online loans (Pinjol). Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it had an economic impact, so people chose a way out to borrow funds through illegal loans because there was no guarantee, the process was easy and fast. The purpose of the study was to determine the communication pattern of digital crime in the financial technology business during the COVID-19 pandemic (a case study of illegal online loan application debtors). The paradigm used is constructivist with qualitative research methods, using the theory of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and the theory of technological determinism. Researchers used informants based on the purposive sampling technique. The results of the study indicate that the communication pattern of digital crime in the fintech business of illegal lending applications during the COVID-19 pandemic between creditors and debtors uses one-way and two-way communication patterns with synchronous communication and asynchronous communication types. Changes in communication technology inevitably lead to communication failures, as well as changes in cultural and social fabrics. The ongoing communication process gives rise to digital crimes of online fraud, cyber-related crime, and infringements of privacy, which are forms of violation for the benefit of the illegal lending company while harming the debtor as a victim.


Financial technology, Digital Crime, Illegal Online Loans, Communication Patterns, Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Theory.

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