Strategi Organisasi Informal Menjaga Persistensi Pasar Tradisional di Kecamatan Padang Barat
The focus ofthis study is to examine the Strategy Informa Organizations Maintaining Persistence of Traditional Markets. This is due tothe marketis animportant institution in economic institutions. In addition, the market serves to bring together the economic actors. The market also serves as an economicmeans of providing a barometer of the economy in the area of income generation. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive type. Informants in this study is determined by means of intentional (purposive). Data collection techniquesin this studyis the observation, collection of documents (writings) and in-dept interview. From the results ofthe resilience oftraditional market research can not be separated from the role ofthe actor, especially traders. Through informal traders by establishing Organiasai. The strategiesthey doamong other things, (a) streng then social networks among the sellers; (b) increase social networks with consumer; (c) increase solidarity.
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