Konsep Diri Perempuan Pelaku Pembunuhan

Genny Gustina Sari, Welly Wirman


Women as perpetrators of murder is an interesting phenomenon to be studied, given the stigmatizing between men and women do in the community. Combining the law, psychology and communication, the authors try to see how the concept of self-female murderers in prison. Results of the study revealed that women prisoners perpetrators can be categorized into two: as the main actors and Performers accompanying. The main culprit is the women who commit murder with his own hands and actors accompanying a woman who was involved in the murder, but no loss of life with his own hands. The concept of self-murder convict women as main actors tend negative, compared with female inmates as actors accompanying murder, as seen from the object of their remorse. Inmates main perpetrator blame yourself for what happened to them at this time, while the inmates as actors accompanying tend to blame others that cause it to inmates


Self-concept, Woman, Murder.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v31i1.1273


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