Pengujian Model Pengaktivasian Norma Personal dalam Perspektif Pemasaran Sosial

Rahab bin Tafsir, Agnes Fitria Widiyanto


The success of trash bank program to reduce negative impact of waste determined by community participation. Personal norm activation plays an important role for stimulating individual motivation to engage on trash bank program. The purpose of study is to examine antecedents and consequences of personal norms in pro environmental behavior context. Research location in Banyumas regency area. Data mining are done through surveys by purposive sampling technique. The respondents are trash bank’s customers. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that ascription of responsibility, subjective norm, and ability significantly effect on activation process of personal norms. Furthermore, personal norms and ability significantly positive effect on community participation on trash bank


norm, social marketing, subjective, participation, trash bank, civic.


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