Model Piranti Olah Pikir-Emosi untuk Menumbuhkembangkan Cinta Budaya Bangsa Siswa Sekolah Dasar
This article is to create thought-emotion processing device model in the
form of CD that is ready to be applied by teachers in order to to develop of love toward
national culture of elementary school students. Short-term goal of drafting a model in the
form of CD as well as information on the effect of the application of psycho-educational
thought-emotion processing device toward love of national. In the first year, designing
psycho education models thought-emotion processing device that can increase primary
students’ character of love toward national culture. In the second year, the researcher
conduct experiment activity to test the effect of thought-emotion processing device model
of national culture love in 3 areas that could represent primary student characteristic
in Indonesia. This research is usefull for teacher to implement character-based learning
comprehensively in the classical style in order to increase the character of love toward
national culture. The usage is teachers can implement by themselves with a manner and
steps which is recommended in learning guide based on this character education.
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