Hak Atas Air dan Kewajiban Negara dalam Pemenuhan Akses terhadap Air

Arinto Nurcahyono, Husni Syam, Yuhka Sundaya


Water is a basic need of human being, no one can live without water and it
has no substitution. Water is a a requirement of adequate living standard for the health
and well-being of all human being..The current problem is the availability of water in
fulfill the human need is decreased. On the one hand there is the view that water is
a commodity while the other side said that water is a social good.. The right to water
implies that everyone should have access to water without discrimination. The state’s
role is indispensable when people are not in the same position in getting water, the
differences position of people can occur not only a problem of economic inequality, but
also the specific natural conditions in a certain region. Such differences make some parts
of society difficult to gain access to water, and in this situation, the presence of the state
is strong required.


kebutuhan dasar, hak atas air, peran negara.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v31i2.1477


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