Konsep Diri Remaja dalam Komunikasi Sosial melalui “Smartphone”
Smartphone usage is growing among teenagers especially junior high school
students, these phenomenon cause a variety of changes in attitudes and behavior among
teenagers themselves. One of smartphone strength compare to another mobile phone
is the number of available features which make the smartphone has an appeal. This
article used a qualitative approach seeks to look, observe, explore and experience the
informant awareness regarding the use of a smartphone as a phenomenon. Aiming to
gain an understanding and describe the reality regarding construction of meaning process
as an adolescent self-concept. Phenomenological approach assumes, a phenomenon is
an absorbed consciously experience, involving motif that seeks to examine individual
consciousness based on its experience. Results of the study revealed that the use of
smartphones by teenagers considered to always be able to express themselves through
the features found in their smartphones. Their motives in using smartphones are to
socialize, mingle, insightful, self-existence, to facilitate communication, and considered
themselves to be an easy going person.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v31i2.1552
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