Dinamika Peran Sosial Politik Ulama dan Jawara di Pandeglang Banten

Asep Muslim, Lala M Kolopaking, Arya H Dharmawan, Endriatmo Soetarto


The focus on this article is to examine the social and political roles of ulama and
jawara in Pandeglang (Banten). But recently, there is a trend that there is a decrease in
ulama’s political roles in one side, and a highly increase in political roles that are played
by jawara in the other side. Though in the local political constellation jawara dominate
ulama, but in social power aspect ulama is still the most powerful actor and still dominate
jawara. To explore this fact, researcher will analyze it by power relation approaches that
indicate there are a special kind of patron-client relation between ulama and jawara. In
this research, descriptive qualitative is chosen as the research method with a case study as
the research approach. Some of ulama, jawara, the elders, santri and the common people
(the grassroots) are chosen as the informant by the key person technique. Research found
a traditional Bantenese patron-client relation between ulama and jawara that influence
the construction of their power relation and the local social and political constellation.


ulama, jawara, peranan sosial-politik, konstelasi sosial politik, relasi kekuasaan


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v31i2.1555


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