Identification of Status and Value of Mangrove Ecosystem for Muaragembong Sustainable Development

Hilwati Hindersah, Yulia Asyiawati, Lely Syiddatul Akliyah


The existence of mangrove ecosystem in Kecamatan Muaragembong Bekasi Regency is in decline along with the rise of development that change mangrove forest into settlement and agricultural area. To achieve sustainable development, preserving the mangrove forest should be aligned with community economic development efforts. There is a need to identify the status and value of mangrove ecosystem as the first step to know the role of mangrove in supporting society’s economy system. Using groundcheck survey method and unstructured interview, this research reveals condition of the mangrove ecosystem that has already damaged with the tree density status ranging from 59 – 145 trees/ha. It reveales that there are many value able components of the benefit of mangrove forest ecosystem identified using travel cost method and the willingness to pay for the use benefit.


ecosystem status, value, sustainable development


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