The Influence of Managerial Competency and External Environment on the Competitive Advantage of a Creative Industri in West Sumatra

Fisla Wirda, Tuti Azra, Herizon Herizon


This study aimes to analyze the influence of managerial competency and external environment in the competitive advantage of creative industries of West Sumatera. The sample size is determined by Rubin formula numbering 157 managers of creative industries of West Sumatera. The sampling technique used is proportional stratified random sampling, in which the samples are allocated proportionally in six cities namely: Padang, Padang Panjang, Bukittinggi, Payakumbuh, Pariaman, and Solok. The research method used is survey and the data are collected through questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is Structural Equation Model (SEM) and PLS software tools. The study showes that managerial competency and external environment effects positively and significantly on the competitive advantage of creative industries of West Sumatera.


Managerial competency, external environment, competitive advantage, creative industry


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