Revitalization of Coastal Area Pasie Nan Tigo Padang City for Hazard Mitigation
The coastal neighborhood of Pasie Nan Tigo, city of Padang after the earthquake of 2007 and 2009 is threatened by various disasters. Therefore, the efforts should be made in comprehensive way to reduce the risk of the disasters through community participation. The study conducted by Haryani (2013) on the mitigation efforts in coastal areas shows that the environmental revitalization with active disaster mitigation model needed to be done before the disaster occurred. The method used in the revitalization of disaster mitigation in coastal areas is the Active Hazard Mitigation Model (non-physical) with community participation and Passive Mitigation Models (physical) with community empowerment. The results of the study are that the communities of the coastal areas, Pasir Nan Tiga have a better knowledge and understanding on the threat of coastal disasters and on the disaster mitigation. In addition, the communities also have a better knowledge on the importance of revitalizing the market place and settlements after the earthquake. The results of the implementation of passive mitigation models to the community empowerment are: (a) basic map / forum administration, (b) a map of evacuation routes, (c) a map of problems mainly related to the disaster, (d) a disaster vulnerability map of Pasie Nan Tigo Village, and (e) trees-barriers to avoid erosion / abrasion in the coastal neighborhood of Pasie Nan Tigo, city of Padang.
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PP No. 69 Tahun 1996 tentang Peran Serta Masyarakat
PP No.21 tahun 2008 tentang Penyelenggaraan Penanggulangan Bencana
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