The Feasibility of Development of Social Capital-Based Ecotourism in West Lombok

Wildan Wildan, Sukardi Sukardi, M Zulfikar Syuaeb


The purpose of this study is to determine the tourism feasibilty of West Lombok for the development of social capital based ecotourism, which include: the development of tourism; identification of possible conflicts; Stakeholders’ perspective on ecotourism; the involvement of local community; identification of market segments; and relevant social capital of West Lombok for the development of ecotourism. Feasibility studies conducted through surveys in Sekotong District involving all tourism stakeholders who were selected purposily. Data were collected using guided interview, focus group discussions, observation, and documents review. The data were then analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that tourism in Sekotong District is not well developed due to unclear government programs. This is also caused by the lack of synergy between government and the community or local residents. Additionally, there has not been any positive response of tourists regarding the tourism atmosphere in the region, due to the safety factor, the environment, and attitudes and behavior of some people towards Travelers. Economic impact of tourism on the local community is still limited due to the fact that they are not fully involved in tourism development. The result of FGD emphasizes on the importance of paying attention on principles of sustainable development, such as social capital-based development by involving local communities.


Feasibility, Development Ecotourism, Social Capital


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