Optimization of Report Regarding the Activity of People with Disability in Media

Hanny Hafiar, Yanti Setianti


This paper aims to determine the cause of the lack of reporting on the disability in the media.Therefore, this article is intended to reveal the causes of the lack of reports, reports criteria concerning the disability which eligible to be report, and reports procedures that can be followed by the disabilities that would like to inform its activities through the media.This paper uses the concept of mass communication, mass media, online media and news value. Research technique which used is the descriptive technique and choosing online media journalists as a resource, since the online media has a newsroom that is more flexible than the print media or broadcast media. The results of this paper indicate that the lack of reports caused more by technical factors, that is the lack of communication to get reports from community and organizations people with disabilities to the media, whereas recommendation that can be recommended is cooperation with other parties to help people with disabilities communities and organizations to communicate with the media.



disability, media, online, journalists, news


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v32i1.1768


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