Relationship Between Solid Waste Service Characteristics and Income Level in Metropolitan Bandung Raya

Sri Maryati, An Nisaa' Siti Humaira, Husna Tiara Putri


Rapid urbanization process has stimulated the emergence of the metropolitan area, including Metropolitan Bandung Raya. The development of the metropolitan region is not equipped by infrastructure. Generally, the level of service of infrastructure varies based on income level. The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between solid waste service characteristics and household income level. Solid waste service characteristics are measured from waste handling and disposal, waste collection officers, the frequency of waste collection, and fees and payment. The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between solid waste service and income level: the higher the income, the better the solid waste service. The followings are some significant findings found in this research: (a) solid waste service in housing developed by the developer is better compared to those in self-help housing, and (b) solid waste service in the urban area is better compared to those in peri-urban and rural area.  


Income Level, Metropolitan Bandung Raya, Service, Solid Waste Infrastructure

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