Role of Islamic Banking and Conventional Against Poverty with The Dual Banking System

Iwan Setiawan


Islamic banking in Indonesia is present in a dual banking system. Islamic banking is expected to contribute more in the process of economic development and improving people’s welfare. The  main  objective of  this  study is  to  analyze the  role  of  financing Islamic banking and conventional banking credit to the improvement of people’s welfare as measured by reductions in poverty. The study was conducted using  the explanatory method, applying the  panel  regression estimation techniques simultaneously with the  Two Stage Least Square  method (TSLS)  using  data from the period 1992-2012. Results  of the study reveals that the increased of  financing Islamic banking and conventional banking credit assign roles  to poverty reduction in Indonesia. The role of Islamic banking financing is lower  than conventional bank  credit role  in reducing poverty. In addition to improve financing and credit, changes should be applied in the value  of the instruments of monetary policy, economic growth, unequal distribution  of income and  the depreciation  of the local  currency that contribute towards poverty conditions.



income distribution, poverty, credit, financing, economic growth

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