Implications of Self Concept in Communication Behavior of Retarded Children

Nova Yohana, Fitri Hardianti, Rina Mardiyanti


In reality, the retarded children  has a very sensitive position in the formation process of self-concept that works on their communication behavior in the social environment. This research article aims to express the implications of self-concept of behavior in both verbal communication and nonverbal communication of retarded children when they are interacting in a social environment. This research uses the qualitative method with symbolic interaction approach. The findings of the research indicate a positive self-concept of retarded children with the type of social comparison will have implications for their behavior of verbal communication become active and nonverbal communication become responsive. In reverse, negative self-concept of retarded children with the type of self-appraisal will have implications on verbal communication behavior become not optimally developed and nonverbal communication unresponsive.


self-concept, retarded children, communication behavior, symbolic interaction

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