Analysis of Early Childhood Teacher Perceptions of Sex Education in an Islamic Perspective

Erhamwilda Erhamwilda, Asep Dudi Suhardini, Nurul Afrianti


This study aimed to obtain perceptions of early childhood teachers on sex education for young children, namely: (1) the urgency; (2) material; (3) cargo Islamic values; (4) the victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse; (5) planning and implementation; (6) the efforts of teachers in anticipation of sexual abuse; (7) constraints. The study used a descriptive method, with 45 respondents Bandung Raya early childhood teachers. The survey results were analyzed by an Islamic perspective related to sex education. Data were collected by questionnaire. Based on data analysis concluded that: most of the early childhood teachers looked very urgent sex education for children, and all the teachers take seriously the charge of Islamic values in sex education, but the perception of teachers about materials and strategies sex education refers to the theory of the West and only a small fraction charged Islamic values. 


teacher perception, sexs education, early childhood, Islamic value

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