The Capacity Building of Local Government in Sanjai village, Sinjai Regency

Muhammad Yunus, Kiki Rasmala Sani


Capacity building of human resources is needed in order to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness of village government performance. Based on this view, this study  to analyze the strengthening of village government capacity in relation to the implementation of Village Law No. 6 of 2014 in Sinjai District Especially in Sanjai Village. This research uses the qualitative method. Data collection techniques are conducted with in-depth and open interviews, direct observation or observation in the field as well as a review of the relevant written documents. The results of the research indicate that strengthening the capacity of the village government should still be met in terms of recruitment, working conditions, leadership, organizational culture, and managerial structure. Ongoing training and active participation from village government to attend training undertaken by the district government are a contributing factor to strengthening the capacity of the Sanjai Village government. In addition to supporting factors, it is found inhibiting factors such as low participation of the community and inactive role of village institutions.




capacity, building, village, countryside

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