The Influence Of Participation In Extracurricular Activities To Learning Motivation
This study discusses the participations in extracurricular activities toward the learners' learning motivation at CLC Nusa Bangsa. This study use descriptive method with quantitative approach. The technique of collecting data is using questionnaire. The population from this study were 36 learners of package B and C equality program at CLC Nusa Bangsa are 36 persons as the sample by using random sampling technique, it could be concluded that: 1) the learners learning motivation in the equality program at CLC Nusa Bangsa showed high participations in extracurrivular activity by giving attention, observing, giving opinions, and making experiments as the indicators, 2) The learners learning motivation in the equality program at CLC Nusa Bangsa described high participations by making time for studying until the learning goals acvhieved, 3) the impact of the participations toward the extracurricular activity concluded that female learners had high participations which affected to their learning motivation by the range of age between 11-12 years old and 15-16 years old, the learners who only went to school for 8 years had high participations which affected their learning motivation and the learners who join package B program had high participation which affected their learning motivation.
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