Web Streaming TVUPI as Modern Communication Model And Contribution To Learning Quality

Deni Darmawan


Web streaming TVUPI as a modern campus communication model developed for 2 years through design, testing, revision, dissemination, and measuring its contribution to the quality of learning. Through modern campus communication model, it is expected that all parties both on national and international scale would be able to interact quickly and appropriately in meeting the information needs of UPI. Development of TVUPI as a communication model involves scholars who support, particularly, from the communication science. Thus, practically and scientifically, Web streaming TVUPI is qualified for a modern campus communication model. The method used is Research & Development (R&D) during the design process. Whereas, testing and revision is done along with the lecturing process, considering that this research is on research group's scientific which should integrate the research process with the improvement of learning quality. In addition, TVUPI has access address of http://tv.upi.edu, intended to support the management of message transformation in order to imaging UPI at national and international level.


web streaming, model communication, tvupi, modern university

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v33i1.2317


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