Mapping Of Dakwah Activity In Bandung City
Dakwah activity is carried out with good way. To reach the direction it is necessary to get data about map of dakwah activity in Bandung City. However, because of missing the data of profile of dakwah activity in Bandung City, the Dakwah Communication which is carried out along this time is more difended of the experience of communicators. The aim of the research is to get the data of the profile of Dakwah Communication activity in Bandung. The problem of this research is how far dakwah communication is pleased by the dakwah community in Bandung according to their socio-democraphy identity. The method of this research is quantitative by the tool of gathering its data by means of the questionnaire. The paper discovers various findings as follow: distributing of zone of Bandung into three parts of zones, and socio-demography help mapping of dakwah communication; Profile of occupied dakwah and communication help mapping of dakwah communication; The modern communication media and the traditional one, the art of extracurricular lecture and training, and act of dakwah is interested by different dakwah community. This map of profile of dakwah communication can be used by dakwah communicator in Bandung to guide the effective dakwah communication.
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