The Performance of the Female Employees in Public Service

Titi Darmi, Agus Salim


The purpose of this study is to find out how the performance of female employees in public service at Class II Immigration Office Bukittinggi is. The research method used is a mixed method research by combining the qualitative and quantitative data. The sources of data were primary and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through interviews, observations and questionnaires to service users. The data from the distributed questionnaires are analyzed through frequency distribution table according to the respondents’ statements. The number of respondents as service users amounted to 45 people and 7 informants from the Class II Immigration Office of Bukittinggi. The research result showing that the performance of the female employees was very good with a contribution of 84.4% of the respondent's answer in assessing the employees' discipline in starting and completing the service, responsibility in completing the tasks given and show good attitudes to the society. In performing their job, they  apply roles, duties and responsibilities properly according to the main tasks and Functions (tupoksi). Efforts and commitments from the stakeholders in improving the performance quality of the female employees are categorized good so that female employees can overcome any obstacles encountered.



Performance, Employee, Women, Public Service

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