Synergy of Local Government and Indonesian National Army in Establishing State Border Area (NKRI-RDTL)

Yudi Rusfiana, Udaya Madjid


Building border areas is a government task, including local government and other stakeholder elements. Conditions in the border area require continuation of acceleration so it really becomes the front porch of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. It takes an approach in doing so, such as welfare and security approaches because security guarantees in border areas can contribute to building a conducive atmosphere. To implement within the framework of development in border areas, the synergy between local government and the Indonesian National Army (TNI) through Kowil apparatus in border areas is very important. Therefore, this article focuses on how the synergy between the Regional Government and the TNI Kowil Apparatus in developing the NKRI-RDTL Border Area. The research method used is qualitative method with literature study technique or literature study, documentation, and other descriptive technique. The results show that synergy between local government and TNI has a high urgency to do. Synergy can be done through cooperation in the implementation of tasks and functions of each stake holder, especially in the implementation of infrastructure development involving the strength and potential of Regional Apparatus, either through involvement in human resources aspects and infrastructure facilities in various activities. bhakti TNI or in activities which then synergized by the government. The synergy of development in the border areas can be achieved optimally so that it can ultimately improve the welfare of the community in an integrated manner, while supporting the performance of local government and TNI itself as an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia within the framework of development in the border region.


Synergy, Local Government, Territorial Command, State Border

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