Uji Efek Antipiretik Jus Jeruk Nipis pada Tikus Putih Galur Sprague Dawley Sel kelamin

Amila Gadri, Rusnadi Rusnadi, Yani Lukmayani


As one of illness symptom, fever must be cured by antipyretic medicines. Unfortunately, in some cases, antipyretic resulted side effects. To avoid side effects, people consume citrus aurantifolia fruits as alternative for antipyretic medicine. This research aimed to reveal the effectiveness of citrus aurantifolia in curing fever scientifically. A laboratory experimental research was carried out. The result showed that citrus aurantifolia has antipyretic  effect  tendency  for curing fever,  which  inducted  by 5% of peptone suspension.


Antipyretic; ‘Citrus Aurantifolia’


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www. Iptek.net.id

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v24i1.251


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