Public Service Motivation Differences Between Permanent and Contract Employees in the Local Government

Wayu Eko Yudiatmaja


This article examines the distinction of public service motivation (PSM) on street-level bureaucracy in Indonesia. Focus of this study is to review the differentiation of public service motivation between permanent and contract employees in sub-districts of Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau. The dimensions and indicators of Perry’s (1996) measurement of PSM is used to analyze the differentiation of public service motivation between permanent and contract employees. Independent sampel t-test has employed to 129 government employees and 74 non-government employees in Tanjungpinang. Unlike in developed countries that PSM of its civil services are higher than PSM of contract employees, the findings of this research proves that there is no differences between PSM of permanent and contract employees. The findings of this research rejects the conclusion of foreign scholars suggesting the PSM construct was viable for internationally environment.


Public Service Motivation, permanent and contract employees

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