Rekayasa Model Bagi Hasil dan Risiko Pembiayaan Usaha Pengolahan Tanaman Rami dengan Pola Syari’ah

Yan Orgianus, Muhammad Dani Nugraha


A preliminary study concerning the feasibility of rami material has shown the benefit of such materials as alternative for textile industry. But, a scheme of finance was needed to develop the alternative. This research was intended to examine profit sharing and risk sharing model for developing rami materials as alternative for textile industry at Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Wanaraja Garut, by identifying factors affecting profit sharing scheme. Other objectives are addressing factors influencing risk level, in order to design decision support system (DSS) for competitive profit sharing, and developing standard operation procedures to judge feasibility study for rami trees and textile industrial based on rami materials.


Profit and Risk Sharing; Industrial Small; Enterprise; Syari’ah


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Website””, diunduh 3 Maret 2003.



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