Sistem Nilai Anak Usia 10-15 Tahun yang Bekerja di Desa Cisolok, Sukabumi

Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo, Endah Nawangsih, Aditya Ramdhani


There is an increase in the number of child workers in the village Cisolok. They did not continue their education into junior high school because they saw the success of other children who had worked previously and generally have a better life. There is a pattern in them that lead them to choose to work. This pattern is called a value system.  The results showed that the majority of children who work have a system of self-enhancement values. While the variable type of work, a combination of the type of value enhancement and Conservation Self is a combination of the most becomes a pattern in the child in determining which jobs will be endured. Then the variables of gender, boys dominated Self-transcendence value types in determining behavior. While the combination of types of value Openness to change and conservation share dominance in the value system that underlies the behavior of boys.


Sistem Nilai; Self Enhancement; Openness to Change


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