Communicative Leadership in Constructing Innovative Learning Organization

Lucy Pujasari Supratman


The lecturers have the duties totransfer science and technology and conduct research as well as undertake community service (three pillars of higher education). Telkom University which turned into four years has been working hard to encourage all lecturers in achieving the three pillars. It has given the evident as best classified listings college of Higher Education in Indonesia. The Faculty of Communication is the youngest faculty in Telkom University. This study used qualitative method with descriptive case study. The result is that innovative leadership of the Head of Department is needed to encourage lecturers to achieve comprehensive targets of three pillars of higher education. She uses Whatsapp Group, creates Gmail Group, posts the achievement photos on social media, has personal discussion of specific issues, and praises the best works of fellow lecturers. These communication forms communicative leadership in motivating lecturers to increase their three pillars on higher education.


Learning Organization, Leadership, Three Pillars of Higher Education

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