Peubah Antropometri untuk Menelusuri Status Gizi Balita Dikaitkan dengan Keadaan Masyarakat

Siti Sunendiari


This study is aimed to determine factors of infants and toddlers nutritional status in Sukamaju Village, Cibeunying, City of Bandung. Based on anthropometric variables, 401 infants and toddlers were measured by indicators of body weight against age, height for age, and high/weight of the body to classify children with good nutrition status and the other who aren’t lucky enough to be included in that class. The result showed that parent educational factor and mother’s knowledge concerning nutritional factor are greatly affecting children’s nutritional status. Thereof, local administration is recommended to empower and establish Posyandu institution as service point to disseminate parental and nutritional knowledge among mothers.


Anthropometr;, Standard Deviation Units (SBS); Median Percentage Against (PDM)


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